About Us

About Us

Lakeside Church exists "to fulfill Christ's commandment to love others as He loves us and to make disciples of all people." We have boiled our mission down "To see everyone transformed and mobilized by Jesus as disciples."
We filter every program, budget, and proposal through this lens.
If something won't help us transform lives, build community, mobilize God's people, and model generosity, we don't do it. We gather in homes, coffee shops, schools, restaurants, and office buildings to share how God is transforming lives.
Today our story is still being written by God's creative hand. Each person we meet (including you!) becomes part of this story. We are proudly connected to a larger church body called the Presbyterian Church USA and in concert with other congregations reach to the "ends of the earth" proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus grounded in faith, hope, and love.
We look forward to you joining us in this exciting adventure of new life in Jesus Christ.